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Weather System Alert (6/18/2021)

Weather system alert

A disorganized system has formed off the coast of Mexico in the
southwestern Gulf of Mexico, and is expected to strengthen over the next
3-5 days. A “Hurricane Hunter” aircraft may be sent to investigate the
system later today, as the system is forecast to move generally northward.
Regardless if the system strengthens, the northern Gulf is expected to
experience strong onshore winds, and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall,
throughout this weekend.

Winds are currently forecast to be from the south and southwest,
approaching 30 mph by Friday night, and strengthen a bit more, with
stronger gusts on Saturday, before gradually slowing though the day

These conditions will affect Sailboat Bay; remove anything light such as
cushions, pillows, and light furniture from decks, docks, boats, and
exposed areas. Because of the consistent strong southerly winds forecast
for us, water levels are likely to rise, flooding the finger piers in the
marina. Make certain boats are made secure, and lifts should be raised and

Frank Kornegay